Freeze Warning – 2025

Being prepared is the first step in reducing costly home repairs and emergency situations during inclement weather . Here are some tips to help keep you warm, safe and reduce the chance of damage to your residence and/or property:

  • Shop earlier for supplies! When dangerous weather is pending, don’t wait to stock up on useful items, such as pipe insulation, bottled water, canned goods, hygiene & feminine products, pet food, batteries, flashlights, wood for fire places, gas powered generator if possible, and blankets. Checking fuel levels in your vehicle and toping off if necessary is also a good idea.
  • Stock up on medications and first aid supplies! Road conditions may become hazardous during inclement weather, so make sure you have at least a weeks worth of first aid needs and prescribed medications on hand.
  • Insulating outside water pipes! Check around and near your home and property to insure there are no exposed water pipes. Covering any outside faucets, water spigots and turning off automated water sprinkler systems is a must during freezing temps.
  • Check on elderly family members and friends prior to inclement weather. They may not have the resources to stock up on supplies, and may require assistance.
  • Bring outside pets indoors! Remember: If you’re cold, they’re cold. Bring them into a warm area with plenty of bedding. If your pet requires a prescription medication, make sure you have a least a weeks worth on hand during the inclement weather.
  • Checking all window and door sills to ensure proper fit and that they are air tight to prevent cold air from entering and warm air from escaping. This is especially important in case of power loss in your home.
  • Cover outside plants and shrubbery with sheets. Covering your landscaping will help minimize the risk of damage caused by frost and freezing temps, and when possible, bring potted plants indoors.
By |2025-01-06T08:56:38-06:00January 6th, 2025|Latest News|

New Trash & Recycling Provider

Residents of EAST Ponderosa Forest
Effective June 18, 2024, Best Trash will be your new trash and recycle collection provider.
BEST TRASH will only service resident supplied trashcans up to 50 gallons or bags up to 40 lbs.
Please have trash and recycling out by 7:00 a.m.

TRASH: On each regularly scheduled collection day, Best Trash will collect household trash (kitchen and bathroom trash) at the garage door area. Trash bags or containers must be accessible and visible near your garage door area. Please allow up to 4 feet of space for the crew to go up the driveway to collect the trash. Trash containers must be between 30-50 gallons in size. Trash containers that belong to another company or are over 50 gallons will not be emptied.

EXCLUDED ITEMS: Dirt, rocks, bricks, tile, concrete, tires, batteries, motor oil, cooking oil, construction debris, waste generated as a result of a commercial business, waste generated by a private contractor, or any materials or items deemed hazardous materials. Please do not dispose of gasoline, motor oil, paints, cooking oil, or any other liquid items in a container that are not visible to Best Trash personnel. If such items result in spillage that causes a stain, Best Trash is not responsible for the cleanup. Best Trash will leave a tag explaining the reason for any non-collected item(s).

YARD & BULK WASTE: COLLECTED BOTH COLLECTION DAYS EACH WEEK AT THE CURB: Trees, shrubs, brush trimmings and fencing must be no larger than 4 inches in diameter, no more than 4 feet long, tied in bundles not exceeding 40 pounds. The tied bundles is required to allow quick pick up and size limitations are required to avoid damaging the equipment in the compacting process. Items such as appliances, furniture, mattresses, carpet (up to 1 room of carpet, cut less than 4 feet wide, tied in bundles not exceeding 40 pounds), will be picked up on both garbage collection days at the curb. By Federal Law, refrigerators, freezers, and any other items containing Freon must be drained of Freon and have an accompanying bill to validate such service was performed.

RECYCLEABLE ITEMS: PAPER (including cardboard), PLASTICS (1-5,7), ALUMINUM and TIN cans and GLASS (all colors)
Best Trash takes great pride in our recycle program. Ensuring the best recycle program for our customers takes time and effort on both sides. Please remove caps, liquids and food products from inside the containers. Please only use the provided recycle bin for recyclable materials. The BIN is NOT an extra trash container and will NOT be emptied as such. If items exceed capacity, please place them adjacent to the cart well marked as recyclable materials. Cardboard is recyclable, please break down all boxes flat, and place them next to the recycle bin for collection. Please place your recycle out to the curb by 7am once per week on Friday.

HOLIDAY SCHEDULE: If your regular trash or recycle collection day falls on a holiday (New Years, Independence Day, Christmas Days) the collection will be made on the next regularly scheduled collection day.

BEST TRASH: 281 313-2378

By |2024-06-21T18:27:24-05:00June 21st, 2024|Latest News|

Water Rehabilitation Project


Harris County Water Control & Improvement District (WCID) No. 91 plans to rehabilitate its waterlines throughout the District. See the attached exhibit for the project location.  The waterlines installed around 1966 are past their life expectancy and require regular repair. Major line breaks have become a significant financial burden to WCID No. 91, who is therefore applying for financial assistance from the Texas Water Development Fund (DFund) program to perform a necessary waterline pipe bursting project for over 15,000 linear feet of existing waterlines.

Project Sponsor and Owner

Harris County Water Control & Improvement District No. 91
P.O. Box 90931
Houston, TX 77292
Contact Person: Fred Windisch, President
(281) 444-8465


Jennifer M. Steen, P.E., with the engineering firm of Cobb, Fendley & Associates, Inc., is the responsible design engineer for the Harris County WCID 91 Waterline Rehabilitation project.  She can be reached by telephone at 713-485-8108 or by email at

Financial Assistance Programs

Financial assistance in the amount of $6,000,000 is being sought from the Texas Water Development Fund (DFund) Program.  On April 19, 2024, Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) provided the signed Board Action Letter and Resolution to HC WCID No. 91. This loan will not lead to a tax increase unless absolutely necessary.  The Board will utilize existing funds over the projects time line.

Harris County Water Control and Improvement District No. 91, Water Development Fund Financial Commitment, Project #21824, Commitment #L1001741, will be closing on August 16, 2024.

Existing System

The existing water supply facilities in the District include one water plant located at 17127 Rolling Creek Drive, Houston, TX 77090. Below is a table of the existing facilities located at the water plant.


The Waterline Pipe Bursting project includes pipe bursting over 15,000 linear feet of 6-inch and 8-inch waterlines along several streets in WCID No. 91. This project will be performed over the course of approximately 3 years. WCID No. 91 plans to prepare an asset management plan as part of this project.  The project will be broken into phases for design, bid and construction.

Phase I

Phase I was completed in 2023 and consisted of 5,250 linear feet of 6-inch and 2,150 linear feet of 8-inch waterline pipe bursting.  The total construction cost for Phase I was $1,400,532.  Waterline pipe bursting was completed for the following streets:

  • Castlerock Road
  • Pine Gap Dr.
  • Saddle Creek Dr.
  • Roanwood Dr.
  • Hamlin Valley Dr.
  • Bodart Dr.
  • Ash Meadow Dr.

Phase II

Phase II will be designed in 2024 consisting of 3,100 linear feet of 6-inch and 3,000 linear feet of 8-inch waterline pipe bursting.  The estimated construction cost for Phase II is $1,280,472.  Phase II will include the following streets:

  • Anvil Dr.
  • Corral Dr.
  • Tucumcari Dr.


The total estimated construction cost for all phases is estimated at $6,000,000.


The following is an estimated design and construction schedule for all remaining phases:

  Design Bidding Construction
Phase I February 2023 –

May 2023

June 2023 August 2023 –

December 2023

Phase II May 2024 –

August 2024

October 2024 November 2024 –

February 2025

Environmental August 2024


The objective of this pipe bursting project is to reduce water loss and costs for WCID NO. 91. The current waterlines were laid almost 60 years ago and are past useful life. The system currently requires regular repair, with at least 12 major line breaks in the past 12 months. After evaluating several options, WCID No. 91 decided to replace the original waterlines via pipe bursting and request funding assistance through the TWDB DFund program.

By |2024-06-21T18:35:00-05:00June 21st, 2024|Latest News|

Trash and Recycling Service

Trash and recycling services are provided by Direct Waste Solutions, 713-635-0800,

  • Your water usage bill includes the monthly price of $20.75.
  • Trash is picked up on Tuesday’s and Friday’s, recycling on Friday’s.
  • The current contract is for “back door” pickup; if you choose to place your trash on the street, please be neighborly and return your trash can to an out of sight location as soon as feasible.
By |2023-01-09T13:46:45-06:00January 9th, 2023|Latest News|
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